By urinetrouble - 04/05/2017 06:00 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, while checking the men's bathroom at work, I noticed one of the air fresheners had fallen from the top of the paper towel holder into the garbage. It wasn't until I picked it up and examined it that I realized I was actually holding used urinal fresheners. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 441
You deserved it 1 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyCS5 19

Well, at least you were already in the bathroom. I hope you immediately washed your hands or chopped that hand off, either would work! Lol!

So urine a shitty situation, I bet you were pissed......welp, there is the first crappy toilet joke here.....I'll just show myself out. x3


AnthonyCS5 19

Well, at least you were already in the bathroom. I hope you immediately washed your hands or chopped that hand off, either would work! Lol!

You went through a public bathroom garbage bin? sounds gross

So urine a shitty situation, I bet you were pissed......welp, there is the first crappy toilet joke here.....I'll just show myself out. x3

modsquad16 18

Ew! just Ew! Should have left it in the garbage!!

Sometimes I pee in front of urinals instead of peeing in them.

why would you go through the trash and pick anything up out of there? and how do you not know what urine fresheners look like?