By lemonjuice - 18/03/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, I was at a Chinese restaurant, I'd forgotten my glasses and had a migraine. I was straining my eyes, squinting and rubbing my temples to alleviate my migraine. I was kicked out of the restaurant and banned henceforth because my waitress thought I was mocking her eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 490
You deserved it 10 680

lemonjuice tells us more.

lemonjuice 0

There are very few Chinese restaurant areas, this was definitely the best for your dollar. Yeah I did try to explain myself but the manager as well as her mother and son came out to yell at me. I just couldn't deal with that while I had a migraine, I shouldn't have been there anyways, MSG often gives me migraines, so FML again.

Top comments

That blows. Why didn't you leave? WHen I get a migraine, nothing helps except lying down in a quiet, dark room.

since you were being kicked out anyway, you should have asked for "sucky sucky" and told her youd "love her long time"


Bubs_fml 0

If they just jumped to that conclusion and didn't let you explain yourself, they shouldn't be in business. I hate when people just assume someone else is being racist.

Akala_fml 11

Wow, talk about being sensitive. This is why some people shouldn't jump before asking questions.

almostouttt 0

LOL!!! That is the most unfortunate thing that I have ever heard...

salHOOPS26 0

thanks now i kno not to go to a chinese restauraunt with a headache

LOL! Couldn't you have just explained? Jeez.

seriously? i know i'll get flamed for this, but WTF is wrong with these overly sensitive people??? next, black women are gonna get offended when white women get tans, because they're "mocking their skin color." and mexicans are gonna get mad at men who grow mustaches because they're "mocking their facial hair." people need to frikking realize that not everything is a g-damn hate crime. just live and ******* let live. on the other hand, the asshole at the mexican restaurant wearing the shirt that said "new mexico: cleaner than regular mexico" and made all the waiters read it while he laughed, that jerk can go to hell.

sublime420 11

You'll say "****" but not "godamn"?

cryssycakesx3 22
cantth1nk0fnam3 3

how can people think he deserved it