By lemonjuice - 18/03/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, I was at a Chinese restaurant, I'd forgotten my glasses and had a migraine. I was straining my eyes, squinting and rubbing my temples to alleviate my migraine. I was kicked out of the restaurant and banned henceforth because my waitress thought I was mocking her eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 490
You deserved it 10 680

lemonjuice tells us more.

lemonjuice 0

There are very few Chinese restaurant areas, this was definitely the best for your dollar. Yeah I did try to explain myself but the manager as well as her mother and son came out to yell at me. I just couldn't deal with that while I had a migraine, I shouldn't have been there anyways, MSG often gives me migraines, so FML again.

Top comments

That blows. Why didn't you leave? WHen I get a migraine, nothing helps except lying down in a quiet, dark room.

since you were being kicked out anyway, you should have asked for "sucky sucky" and told her youd "love her long time"


theoldGP 0

HAHAHHA. two words: Miley Cyrus.

spitfire921 0

WOW that is nice! the fates were aganst you bro lol

This is one of those *Bangs head against desk* moments.

HAHAHA, this is funny~I am Chinese and I wouldn't hv thought u were mocking me, at least not IN FRONT of me, who would do stupid things like that? LOLZ, feel sory for u man~

LMAO some people are way too sensitive

aquariusbeauty 0


kira822_fml 0

Ohhhh.... This is a family place? LOL that really sucks for you. Some people. I moved to another state when I was young and I saw a black squirle. Never seen black before so I yelled hey mom look! A black squirrle! She yelled at me or saying black. LOL

ziqi92 0

ROFL i'm chinese, but i'd never take something like that offensively on the spot! i guess she suffers a lot of abuse from her eyes, but some of my friends cant stop making azn eye jokes, so i'm used to it. they're pretty funny actually. An Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars and she was getting a little irritated. She asked the teller, “Why it change?? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I get hunat eighty. Why it change?” The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, “Fluctuations”. The Asian lady says, “Fluc you white people, too!” lol #8 thats a good one XD

OMGGGG ROFL, my stepdad is asian andd i bag him all the time and he just laughs.