By Catholicguy - 20/12/2009 08:14 - United States

By Catholicguy - 20/12/2009 08:14 - United States
By single - 27/03/2020 05:15 - Canada
By very punny - 03/09/2014 03:18 - United States - Odenton
By newlysingle - 14/12/2011 05:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/09/2014 21:27 - United States
By sothatsano - 16/12/2015 08:56 - United States - Spokane
By Anonymous - 19/01/2018 15:00
By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States
By Username - 20/07/2011 23:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 02:18 - United States
By fuckface? I wish - 30/11/2013 20:29 - Australia - Diamond Beach
That made me laugh so hard. HAHAHAHAHAHA. i'll do that.
First to cum, you mean
Just slip it onto her dick.
I implied that his gf had a disco stick. :D
okay these are all edited before being posted, this one said that they didn't believe in sex before marriage....
How do you not check just to make sure you didn't lose it or something? I would've checked it at the house, and again at the restaurant. Maybe I'm paranoid. Whatever.
This. YDI for not making sure it was there. If I had something that was so important, I would be checking on that every 30 minutes just to make sure it's still there. In the least, checking it once before leaving the door would have been a smart idea.
Well, how did ur girlfriend react? Her reaction is what makes it FML ish or not. Lol, wouldn't ut be funny if u found ur Girlfriends FML on her : Today my boyfriend of 2 years got on one knee with a ring box. I was super exciting thinking he was going to propose. He opened the box and there was a condom. FML. HAhaha!
yes it was funny...u need to live a little. (OMG I´M PATHETIC... IM ON FML AND TELLING SOMEONE THEY NEED TO LIVE A LITTLE.)
Well... did she say yes? And seriously, your friend has an excellent sense of humor.
you should of said "will you sleep with me" and winked at her ;P
at no.8 um pretty shor if ma bf did that 2 me we wud not be 2gether much longer. srsly, he has a lame sence of humer and shud probs get hys head examned coz that was not funee just stupid nd mayb try putn urself in the gfs positon she wudas been prety upset 2 so don go sidng with the dumbass who thort hed be clver nd pull a dumb prank lyk this dumbass.
he didn't do it, his friend did. You would leave your boyfriend because of something his friend did? you're stupid and have awful spelling
Heh, he's the one who needs to get his head examined... right... but IMO, if this FML happened to me I would still say yes. I have a sense of humor.
out of curiosity, why would you get so mad about it? o_O
ok guys lyk ur obveesly not getn it put urself in da positioin of da chick. k? ur catholic, ur all lyk 'hell no' to s** and den ur bf goes on 1 nee and ur obveesly thinkn 'yes, im gonna get married n be able 2 hav s** n shit' and den he opens it nd its a c***** nd ur lyk 'no im not, coz my bf is a dikhead and hes rubbin it in that we cnt do it coz of our religon.' nd to top it of hes not aktualy proposin. that wud be any gals inishal reaction k? and any girl who says otherwys is lyin
he was gonna propose, takes some courage .... "to make evrything look perfect"... xP
Kay guys, I seriously think #11 is a troll... Either that or a moron. I'm no grammar nazi but... Isn't it *harder* to typ lyk dis? Trooooooooooll.
Ouch, that stings D: Any more witty comebacks you have for me? Seriously, you would dump your bf for something that his FRIEND did? In case you haven't noticed, the OP is not at fault here.
@24: we DO get it. but your abso-*******-lutely TERRIBLE spelling makes your comment more of a joke than a powerful statement.
I hate decoding "txtspeak" >_> It's easier to type like a human than like an avid texter. Jeez. There's no real character limit, so, please JustaReader, TYPE PROPERLY! I may not be the best at typing, but I *hope* people understand it, unlike your comments. And isn't typing like that against the rules, anyway?
Actually, JustaReader, I have a little comment to add to yours: You think the only reason they'd be getting married is for sex? People that think like you is why the divorce rate is so high! Perhaps they were marrying for *gasp* LOVE?! Ohmygosh. Please, go crawl into a hole with an English/Spelling book.
i feel like a 5 year old loser if i text people with improper spelling/grammar. i do not understand how some people DON'T feel that way when they text/type/write in atrocious spelling/grammar :L
Use full words, dammit. a few extra seconds spent typing out the whole word won't kill you.
I cannot understand what you are saying. Talk normally
To quote the great Jim Calhoun, "Shut Up!" If you're not going to type in a way that's understandable, then don't type anything.
Um,Okay...I was with you on this, till that. Damn girl 15 minutes to decode a text.
If I could actually read your comment, #11, i would try to make my reply have meaning. Unfortunately, I can't >_
U suck man. Like, I'm all for txt language but when u go outta ur way, just to make it all liek disz, itz fckin annying.
Wtf is wrong with your spelling?
Haha, that kinda sucks. I was going to say 'Have a SOH, this isn't really an FML' but your username kind of tells me that you both probably/don't believe in sex before marriage.. so I can see why it'd be a bit meh :/ But have a sense of humour already! She's hardly going to leave you because of it, and if she doesn't get that your friends meant it as a joke.. I wouldn't wanna stick around anyway :P
Well, how did ur girlfriend react? Her reaction is what makes it FML ish or not. Lol, wouldn't ut be funny if u found ur Girlfriends FML on her : Today my boyfriend of 2 years got on one knee with a ring box. I was super exciting thinking he was going to propose. He opened the box and there was a condom. FML. HAhaha!
How do you not check just to make sure you didn't lose it or something? I would've checked it at the house, and again at the restaurant. Maybe I'm paranoid. Whatever.