By qwertyasdfghzxcv - 11/02/2009 22:05 - Canada

Today, I took my dog to the vet and she was diagnosed with obesity. The vet then told me that dogs usually imitate their owners eating and behavior habits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 638
You deserved it 27 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mechwarrior 0

#7 and #8 are right. If you're dog is fat, then you havent been walking it or feeding it right. This is most likely your fault.

The whole point of this site is to bitch on the internet dumbass so if you dont like it leave and dont come back


either your lying, your vet is lying, or you vet is just an asshole because that is completely false. Lolfats

stop bitching about it on the web and go do some exercise

The whole point of this site is to bitch on the internet dumbass so if you dont like it leave and dont come back

Gingerly 0

You needed help from your vet to see that your dog was obese? Maybe you're blind and fat.

mechwarrior 0

#7 and #8 are right. If you're dog is fat, then you havent been walking it or feeding it right. This is most likely your fault.

quiksta 0

#8 took the type off my fingertips. your dog is unhealthy. how does it feel to have tortured and crippled an animal, all the while thinking "wow, this thing loves me!" your pet will die prematurely as a result of obesity and probably already has trouble moving its stiff [unused] joints.

your vet's a douchebag. but watch your weight too.

tally_head 0

Ehhhh the story wasn't about a dog being too fat due to the carelessness of the owner. So #10 there's no rational intention about your comment other than just to bitch at a person who helps provide entertainment for people like me who are bored at work. Soooo, instead of arguing on forums and critisizing the lifestyles of people on FML, go suck a d.iiiiii............ c k/

MetalCraze 11

only a jerk would let his dog get fat and fail to help him i think your poor dog has the ****** up life and needs a better owner

tttttttpppppp 0

He is prob right, your prob a fatty and you don't walk your dog Take care of your pet

goalie20 0

In other words, your vet was calling you obese. FAIL