By Khrixas_069 - 18/06/2011 07:10 - United States

Today, I was about to make love to my girlfriend at the local park when a cop caught us. I had to give him our information and hold a conversation with "Fire and Ice" lubricant on my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 722
You deserved it 58 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like this conversation wasn't too "hot" or too "cool"

Luciens19 0


Quest_ 13

You know, I think I'd be able to sympathize a touch more if it was a spontaneous and romantic moment with your gal. The fact that it was premeditated and you even brought lube is just weird. I didn't hit YDI though, the Fire and Ice was punishment enough. That stuff just feels like Dencorub on your genitals.

It comes on the condon. They didnt bring a tube of lube

Quest_ 13
TalkinSmack 6

officer... can u hold the camera for us?

lindseyluvszac 4

How do you 'make love' with a condom on? I hate condoms, my bf and I eventually got on birth control. Anyways, YDI

austinkiser 3

^what for birth control ur bf on? O_o

IAmTheHeavens 0

Sooooo your inferring that condoms aren't birth control? How uneducated are you?

A7X_LoVeee 10

Whilst birth control and condoms both can prevent getting pregnant, condoms also prevents STDs, which birth control don't. It's better to be safe than sorry.

austinkiser 3

I'll just say condoms are for *******...or for a penis? haha who cares

wow, "making love" has nothing to do with whether you have a condom on or not, it has to do with the emotion involved.

lol! how ignorant of you, hope you enjoy the clap!

Wow, you are stupid. It's the emotion involved, not whether you have a condom on or not. And he said "lube" not condom anyway. And yes I know it comes with the condom but it also comes without it. Also, birth control doesn't prevent STDs. Idiot.

austinkiser 3

53 - as u can see I said "on" not what is he using since she said her and her bf are on birth control

that's icky, girl. you and your bo will have issues then. herpes is for life :P

Why is everyone assuming one of you or both has an STD. Not everyone has more than one partner. That's not even a possibility in most (stable) relationships. Maybe they have no reason to be concerned with them. It's still stupid though. You're supposed to always have more than one 'safety net'. Etc: My sister conceived two of her children while on BC. Life lesson: Have two forms of safety.

jklol11 0

was it in the daytime? because cops wouldn't usually walk around local parks at dark unless they knew something like that was going on...?

i dont know where you live, but around here cops patrol the parks especially at night.

jklol11 0

I don't know where you live but it must be a little over-protected...

glimitless 0

yu had time to use lubricant at a park? talk bout makin yoself comfortable

Yeah wtf why are you doing it in the park?

I love how you describe shagging your girlfriend in the park as 'making love'

KLern 0

nothing says "I love you, baby" more than a quickie in the park!

AmandaLouise 0

at least "make love" in the car....probably not as romantic but then again you were about to do it in public........ :/

rule #1 of sex in the park. get in get out. no lube. and yes I'm a girl saying this.

agreed! if she can't get wet, saliva goes a long way! don't waste time!

monnanon 13

WTF are you doing having sex in the park? don't you have anywhere else to go or are you some dumb kid who thinks having sex in a park makes them some sort of hardcore love god? You deserve it completely, why do people think they have aright to have sex anywhere don't you have any sense of decency?