By Khrixas_069 - 18/06/2011 07:10 - United States

Today, I was about to make love to my girlfriend at the local park when a cop caught us. I had to give him our information and hold a conversation with "Fire and Ice" lubricant on my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 722
You deserved it 58 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like this conversation wasn't too "hot" or too "cool"

Luciens19 0


spekledworf 18

fire and ice sucks. Rough Riders ftw! :D

dumb peice of shit eminem and slim shady are the ******* same person!

blaketron89 0
72gmcutlass 0

I hate when that happens lol jk YDI

MarioandSonic 8

fire and ice...really?? I bet you use axe body wash and spray too...anything they can sell you, you'll buy! hint: girls dont like that bullshit