By Anonymous - 11/02/2017 16:00 - United States - Binghamton

Today, I wanted to buy a Philly cheesesteak from my campus grill, but I was running late so I ordered a grilled cheese as it would be simpler to prep. I then waited 20 minutes and watched as the cooks made 4 cheesesteaks for other orders before even starting my grilled cheese. I was late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 305
You deserved it 1 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I kinda say YDI, you should understand how restaurants work. They make the food as it's odered.

Did you expect them to skip to you? The other people ordered first they get their food before you


Did you expect them to skip to you? The other people ordered first they get their food before you

I kinda say YDI, you should understand how restaurants work. They make the food as it's odered.

This is one of the most painfully ironic things I've ever read.

Don't try to think you know how they run their kitchen. If they're set up for cheesesteaks, they're going to do that first and handle your pain-in-the-ass special order when they get to it.

Well, you were buyinga Philly cheesesteak in New York, so it would have sucked anyway.

jcash52426 5

Unless the people that ordered the 4 philly cheese stakes came is after you then you can't complain. If I have a short amount of time and I'm going to pick something up for lunch call shad an order for pick up this way the order is made or almost made so all you have to do is pay and eat.

I betcha you regretted not ordering Philly Cheese steak you wanted, eh?

I have learned through working on the food industry that orders are prepared in the order in which they are received. If that wasn't the case fairness would be obsolete. Sorry you were late. Perhaps next time you could call in your order in advance?

I will never understand why people, when running late, will stop and waste time getting a coffee or a heated sandwich or filling up with fuel, and then make out I am somehow to blame for serving people in the order they queued up. Leave 5 minutes earlier people!

I don't blame the workers for their methods, I was just frustrated. I could tell though that they were skipping me because they were serving order #'s 1003, 1004 etc when I had order 1000