By Gray_Kitty - 17/09/2016 19:34 - United States - Omaha

Today, a woman came in to order lunch. She ordered a sandwich then asked for me to configure it precisely to her complicated desires. This took a whole 5 minutes, during the lunch rush. When I told her the cost, she decided it was too expensive and cancelled her order. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 727
You deserved it 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being a spoiled brat is expensive. Not everyone can afford it.


daniel271 13

Some people these days sorry op.

Being a spoiled brat is expensive. Not everyone can afford it.

mermaidkeels 26

I'm sure the customer waiting behind her shared your pain as well..

If only the person behind her bought her sandwich, so at least then all your work wouldn't have gone to waste.

I used to work in the sandwich business. I couldn't stand people who did that. Rude and inconsiderate!

This happens at Starbucks all the damn time. I guess it's 'too pricey' if you want to have half the ******* container of caramel in your drink, rather than the normal amount and get more to drink in the first place (And yeah-this is an actual order I get almost DAILY). Not to mention Forever Yogurt-who knew that putting fifty toppings would make it more expensive!

Oh wow, I would've hit her in the head with her sandwich. Then thanked her and told her to come again. Sorry op lol