By martyn28 - 13/08/2013 14:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked past a girl giving out leaflets for a nightclub. She ignored me the first two times. I dismissed it cynically, thinking she was only giving them to good looking young people. The third time she gave one to a balding 40-year old guy with his pre-teen kid. She still ignored me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 260
You deserved it 5 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You only walked my her two times, so of course she missed you. You need to parade past her repeatedly for at least six hours. That's what I do when I try to get someone's attention. It works wonderfully.


Damn thats kinda sad! But you could've asked her why she's not noticing you or something op! Anyways better luck next time

SwaggCapone 11

walk back by her. smack the bottom.of her papers and tell her to have fun

Better luck next time? What the **** does that have to do with this fml?

#53 I think #1 didn't even read the fml. Just saw 0 comments and picked something that would apply to most fmls and get up votes.

JE553 9

I think the better question here is why did OP feel the need to walk by 3 times

Sorry if I didn't make any sense! I was trying to imply the same thing as 23.

I did read it 58, so I commented something I thought worked OK with this FML.

OP: I'll make my own nightclub with Black Jack, and Hookers.

And bacon, don't forget the bacon. Bacon makes EVERYTHING better

You also have to add a FML Screen to show the recent FMLs

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Who needs bacon when you have hookers? Now you're just being selfish.. Think of all those poor bastards without top quality sad.

deepunder 17

I wonder how many people actually know where this reference comes from. *cough*2nd show of futurama*cough*

TheHeavyOne 15

Or maybe OP had a drunken one night stand with her and never called her back :o

TheHeavyOne 15

I don't even know what to say… I'm… I'm so sorry OP.

Michael_92 20

You better be sorry, it's all your fault!

Well at least OP's appearance wasn't the problem, It could be worse!

50 - We don't know for certain it wasn't his looks. It's possible he's uglier than the old guy.

Maybe she knew the old man and would be rude not to give it to him? At least ruder than ignoring a stranger I suppose.

You only walked my her two times, so of course she missed you. You need to parade past her repeatedly for at least six hours. That's what I do when I try to get someone's attention. It works wonderfully.

ILoveMyArm 15

Though, it could result in a restraining order. But, hey, at least she noticed your right?

Maybe she thinks she already gave you one :)

Aw, I'm sorry op. if that's the way they are, then maybe you don't want to go to that club anyway.

Maybe she thought you were creepy, if you kept walking by looking like you wanted something :P

The only logical reason for this could be that she has some sort of grudge against you; maybe you look like her ex.

Or that OP doesn't look like the kind of person who goes clubbing

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

there's not really a club "look"