By Anonymous - 26/10/2012 12:24 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, I went out of my way to avoid street preachers thrusting hateful propaganda at me. A young woman ran up to me and started waving paper in my face, and I snapped at her to fuck off. Right afterwards I realised she was returning something that fell out of my pocket. She looked terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 130
You deserved it 35 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a simple rule my friend: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

You should probably listen to what someone has to say before you snap at them. I can gurantee she tried to say something, and wasn't just thrusting paper in your face.


"Turn the other cheek! No wait sir, your wallet is falling out of it!"

I'm sorry, but in no way do I understand this comment. :c

CountMango 5

I suppose butt cheeks are too sophisticated for some people.

I was joking about a situation where the person says something to OP that they interpret as religious propaganda, when in fact they were just trying to help OP and point out that his wallet was going to fall out of his back pocket, but apparently it wasn't clear. Sorry guys, my bad.

It's a simple rule my friend: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

I really love it when people scream **** off in my face.. Maybe OP's masochistic?

Well, if someone is threatening me with hell ill threaten them with something else. If they didn't want to be threatened, they shouldn't threaten me. Treat others how you want to be treated.

UncleMuscles 5

@7, "God, yes! Now insult my mother!"

Unibear 1

#30-So if someone keys my car then lights my house up in flames...I should do that to him? Even payback right?

46, Sure, you SHOULD, you'd get in trouble with the law and you could have just called the police. But that doesn't mean revenge is wrong.

It's treat others the way they want to be treated.

Holyshihtzus 7

OP was probably just really paranoid about it. I don't know about you guys, but I probably would be too if I was trying really hard to avoid someone.

You should probably listen to what someone has to say before you snap at them. I can gurantee she tried to say something, and wasn't just thrusting paper in your face.

No, you can't guarantee anything as you were not there.

Hi, I'm just wondering, I left a couple of comments here that were here pretty early on, but quickly they both disappeared, and neither seemed to be breaking the rules at all; at leat, I can't see them anyway, does anyone know what's going on??

But you see, that would be the logical thing to do! Common courtesy has gone out the window

To many variables. Op could have had a rough day before hand. I know if I was having one of those days, I may have snapped on someone.

Yeah, I have a similar story where I was holding a pinecone and went up to my friend. I said, "Here, hold this.. But be careful.." He grabbed it before I had the chance to say "'s covered in dog shit." Listen before you react.

loserboii 11

I wonder why she didn't say something to you instead of waving paper.

JustDerpin 11

Whoops. Damn foreigners. I won't be as specific next time!

She probably did. OP probably just wasn't listening. He sounds kind of like an ass to me.

YDI for being an asshole. Even if it was a protester, you didn't have to be so mean to them.

Everyone has bad days where thy snap at people. No big deal. Just say sorry to the person and thank them then be on your way.

She's not the one telling everyone that they're going to go to hell and that homosexuals are evil. And that all the non-believers will suffer for all eternity.

Wow. You sound like a delusional ass. I hope she ripped up that paper you lost, and I hope it was a winning lotto ticket.

That's a bit harsh, everyone makes mistakes. I think YOU are the delusional one.

How do you know OP doesn't severely need money and could really benefit from winning money. Now you are doing the same thing as OP.

Nobody deserves to be treated like shit for waving a damn paper around. If he was so concerned about it being a preacher, he could've just said he wasn't interested. And calm the hell down, pretty sure it wasn't actually a lotto ticket.

Geez, everyone had bad days. This is a bit harsh. He made a mistake. All it takes is an apology to rectify the situation.

**** your lifeboats? I'd say **** that poor girl's life. She was doing a good deed too sheesh...