Weird movie choice

By Anonymous - 09/05/2021 00:01

Today, I had my first ever date. He invited me to dinner and a movie. Then he put on "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." I couldn’t think of an excuse to get out, so I had to wait till the end of the film. FML
I agree, your life sucks 726
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mickymoose1 15

You don't need an excuse to get out. If you don't want to be there then don't. You don't owe him anything. If you wanted to just watch something else a simple "hey, I don't want to watch this, can we watch something else?" should be enough. If he doesn't respect you enough to change the movie then that's a red flag and you should leave regardless. For the future though, you don't owe your dates anything. Not your time. Not your body. Nothing. The same goes for them. But try your best to date by those rules. There are a lot of not so pleasant people out there who will take advantage of people that don't speak for what they do or don't feel comfortable with. Date safe out there!

I love that film, so I don't see the problem. But if you wanted to leave, all you had to do was leave. And if you don'tike that film, you could have said, "I don't care for this movie. Can we watch something else?"


mickymoose1 15

You don't need an excuse to get out. If you don't want to be there then don't. You don't owe him anything. If you wanted to just watch something else a simple "hey, I don't want to watch this, can we watch something else?" should be enough. If he doesn't respect you enough to change the movie then that's a red flag and you should leave regardless. For the future though, you don't owe your dates anything. Not your time. Not your body. Nothing. The same goes for them. But try your best to date by those rules. There are a lot of not so pleasant people out there who will take advantage of people that don't speak for what they do or don't feel comfortable with. Date safe out there!

bro you have no idea what a guy could to do a girl after she says “no” she’s thinking about her own safety.

I don't know what that movie is, so I feel like there is a reference I am not getting.

It's a great movie about a badass girl who teams up with a journalist cum detective to find who murdered the heiress of a great family fortune (and send her father pressed flowers every year after the murder) and discovers a secret that almost has the journalist killed. And she saves him! It's got a great plot, action, romance, nerdy stuff, superb acting... it's perfect! I don't understand why anybody wouldn't want to see that movie!

The Swedish original is way better then the American. Here ,since the author was Swedish it was tv - series and soo good. Yes, dark and really heart wrenching. The original name for it is Män som hatar kvinnor, Men who hates women and not the girl with dragontattoo.

I love that film, so I don't see the problem. But if you wanted to leave, all you had to do was leave. And if you don'tike that film, you could have said, "I don't care for this movie. Can we watch something else?"

Rape scenes aren't date night movie material for a lot of people

True... but as I said..she could have asked for a different movie. And she could have left any time she wanted.

Maybe communicate with him. If I had an activity my date didn't like I would want her to tell me. Also jesus that was a bad movie for a date, that rape scene made me nope right out.

that is a terrible movie choice for a first date. anybody who wants you to watch a rape scene on a first date is waving huge red flags in your face

I feel like everyone's who's screaming "rape scene" here seems to not understand that it's a movie and isn't real. I understand, it can be triggering for a lot of those who have suffered past trauma relating to sexual abuse. While I agree that it is in poor taste; it isn't real.

bleachedraven 14

Eggcellenct movie, bad ass characters. Maybe not best choice for first date, but you should watch it.

This excuse will get you out of pretty much anything and leave them confused. Just say... "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO UNTIE MY CAT" and run away

i dont get it, just say you dont like the cant expect everyone to think like you. ok theres a rape scene (i havent seen the movie btw) but if someone got shot would that be ok? all im saying is communication is key

thatslifeiguess7 16

My ex put American pie on during Easter dinner with my priest over