My pleasure

By billjoebob424 - 07/02/2020 01:00 - Canada

Today, I've realised that I give my girlfriend more pleasure with back rubs than with anything sexual. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 263
You deserved it 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rub her back while giving it to her doggy style. You’re both welcome.

Back rubs are a very intimate and passionate thing. Girls are turned on with intimacy. It doesn't surprise that our turns her on. But you should all what she actually wants sexually, let her guide you.


Rub her back while giving it to her doggy style. You’re both welcome.

bloopaloop 27

She’s getting that from someone else

EmDizzle2007 28

Back rubs are a very intimate and passionate thing. Girls are turned on with intimacy. It doesn't surprise that our turns her on. But you should all what she actually wants sexually, let her guide you.

Back rubs are sexual! They'd better be, or I'd still be a virgin!

So if you're aware of that why don't you do something about it? ydi

You sound like your new to this, find out what your girl likes and but the sounds of it it's been touched in certain areas it's called foreplay... 👏👍

jfigley 5 some sex books or I'm sure theres a plethora of vids you can watch on youtube. We are in the era of a digital age. Utilize it and understand what she likes so you can learn to f*ck her brains out....

No matter how good the sex, I'd rather have a good back/shoulder massage. I hate when men use it to get sex.

rotflqtms_ 21

Honestly if you know she enjoys it so much, don't stop doing it. At least you'll both get what you want. For you, sex is all about penetration, for women, not so much. You need to find what pleases her and do it. You know backrubs please her. Do other things along those lines and you may be surprised to find more things that pleasure her as well. Don't look at it as an FML, but as a way to discover your girlfriend... and if you can do that while doing it, hey maybe you'll pleasure her even more...