By whenlifeisalemon - 09/01/2016 23:19 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I waited patiently in the airport as my flight was repeatedly delayed. After 5 long hours I approached one of the attendees to discover that the plane had left 5 minutes ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 509
You deserved it 3 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you miss that? Did they not call your name (after noticing you hadn't boarded the flight)?

Were you looking at the wrong flight information? If not and it was the airports/airlines fault they should reimburse you


I can see this happening through no fault of the OP. I had a flight that was delayed into the wee hours of the morning, so that pretty much everyone is just clumped by the gate snoozing. When the plane was finally ready, the screens didn't even update, since the screens with flight info had claimed the flight was "on time" for the past four hours and had never admitted a delay. We just...hadn't been boarding for four hours. The attendants were so sick of angry questions about a flight that was "on-time" but was supposed to leave four hours ago that they just made one verbal announcement. If I'd been in the bathroom, I would have had no idea.

They usually don't look for you if they're already overbooked. Sorry :(

That sucks but how did you not notice? They'd make an announcement when the flight was ready to board. Announce when and which groups to board. Then last call. Usually a call for missing passengers as well. Did they just skip all of that or were you just not paying attention??

Take the earbuds out and pay attention. The world keeps spinning without you.

awildwhisper 30

I put both because situational awareness. Unless you took an hour long poop you should have been at the gate where you could hear the announcements.

How xD?! Missed out on the screen updates, announcements, and fellow passengers leaving ro Buy souvenirs? :o

You waited 5 hours before checking in again? SMH