Get out while you still can

By Bullet dodged - 20/02/2021 00:59 - United Kingdom

Today, my fiancée called off our wedding out of the blue. After a long discussion about it, it turns out that last week I voiced an opinion about the wedding she didn’t agree with, and doesn’t want to spend her life married to someone who’s going to argue with her every five minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 211
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peterblack67 9

I think you dodged a bullet. Obviously she doesn't love you enough plus she seems a bit nutty.

Seems weird to me that you would get that far and hit such a dumb snag. She's probably just stressed or something and it has nothing to do with w/e the argument was about.


peterblack67 9

I think you dodged a bullet. Obviously she doesn't love you enough plus she seems a bit nutty.

mando 10

She expects everything to be her way? Nah, she lost out. You'll be better off in the long run.

sounds like you dodged a bullet and a lifetime headache

Seems weird to me that you would get that far and hit such a dumb snag. She's probably just stressed or something and it has nothing to do with w/e the argument was about.

Sounds like she's a control freak, and you dodged a bullet.