Thanks Felicia

By Aric - 08/10/2020 05:01

Today, I arrived at the airport two and a half hours early because I was expecting it to be busy. The line was long but I had plenty of time, until a woman complained about a fee for checked bags. I was next in line, and still managed to miss my flight because the woman caused such a big scene. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 545
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccuish 25

I’m impressed that a Karen can complain long enough for to miss your flight

Sounds more like a feature-length movie than a scene. I'll bet it was quite entertaining.


Sounds more like a feature-length movie than a scene. I'll bet it was quite entertaining.

mccuish 25

I’m impressed that a Karen can complain long enough for to miss your flight

xxlk4xx 6

I freaking hate people like that!

tounces7 27

That's when you open up on her vocally. It always throws them off when they realize how much other people hate them. She might have just shut up long enough for the line to move along.

If she was taking that long, someone else should have taken her off to the side so everyone behind her could get serviced. That's ridiculous. I hate people like that.