Chilled out

By Rar - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Palatine

Today, I went to the airport a full three hours before my flight departure time just to be on the safe side. I ended up having the best nap of my life and missing my flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 261
You deserved it 10 388

Same thing different taste


#15 Irony. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

In hind sight I realize it was not the proper terminology for the situation.

zharks1010 18

I would've set a small alarm

LittleMissShadow 16

Alarms are a good idea my friend

OP here, created an account just to reply to you guys. Yes alarms are wonderful, but three nights in an exam filled week with little sleep helped me fall asleep when I wasn't planning to :). The only upside is I got where I wanted to :)

*beep beep beep* is what you should of heard if you had an alarm set. I hope you got where you wanted to go though.

PePziNL 20

For the love of all that is holy, *should have

leogachi 15

Actually, *would have. Or *could have.

OP here, created an account just to reply to you guys. Yes alarms are wonderful, but three nights in an exam filled week with little sleep helped me fall asleep when I wasn't planning to :). The only upside is I got where I wanted to :)

No offense OP, but falling asleep in an airport seems like a very poor idea. Maybe you should've tried harder to stay awake.

91hayek 31

True. I've seen airport police wake people and tell them to watch their luggage, they've even yelled at me for leaving my bag six feet away as I bought a coffee. At least in Australia and New Zealand anyway.

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Captain Obvious!

PePziNL 20

Captain Obvious, you forgot to, well... Fly away. :D

I guess time flew by with that nap.

Eyalsh 32

a minute late, *hands over the 'At least you tried' star*

Haha I feel so bad for you OP, hope you were able to secure a flight.

Never underestimate the power of coffee