By DocFUCKINGHATESSTUPIDPEOPLE - 22/11/2012 21:03 - United States - Schertz

Today, I've been on duty at the hospital for just three hours so far, and I've already pulled five carving forks out of four different people. Good job, everybody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 783
You deserved it 1 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone had two forks in them?? Did they try to get one out with another?

I was going to take a stab at a pun, but I was afraid my joke just wasn't going to cut it.


Wait a minute, somebody swallowed 2 carving forks?!?!?!?!?

it says nowhere in the post that they were swallowed, just that they were pulled out. It's fairly easy to tell that OP was talking about the forks being stabbed into a hand or arm or something

superbubbles 4

Does that mean someone got two?

im ready to be thumbed down, but ah what the f*-k i cant help this :) 2 things 1 only in america and 2 how the hell do american stupid people make non american stupid people look smart ahahaahah lol morons

btstig 11

You were correct in the assumption of being thumbed down.

bigdude1302 2 there were two carving forks in one person?

I feel bad for the poor person with TWO. xD Im pretty sure it cut down his ego a bit.

I hope that this isn't domestic violence.

part of me is hoping that somehow, two people were stabbed with one fork, so another was stabbed with three...

The_F3rris 11

Three cheers for the intelligence of humanity!