By Sarah - 07/05/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, my manager bailed on me during the afternoon rush; swamped and distracted, I cut off the pad of my thumb in a cheese slicer. Some clinic hours later I returned, hungry and sick with blood loss, to sign WC papers. Manager's only words: "You're staying late to cover your long break, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 884
You deserved it 3 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I HATE bosses that pull that shit on you! They can bail on you or take as many breaks as you want, but you have to make up for every second you miss for whatever reason, even if it means you were in the hospital during that time.

reminds me of my old boss. my old boss was my mother.


I HATE bosses that pull that shit on you! They can bail on you or take as many breaks as you want, but you have to make up for every second you miss for whatever reason, even if it means you were in the hospital during that time.

Time to get a new job. Seriously, he sounds like a jerk.

jorygirly 0

U should quit. Ur boss is a fag

Don't let your boss walk all over you. File a complaint against your manager. That is a very bad business practice.

Wow. Are you serious? Did he know you were in the hospital?

elara15 0

WC papers? Were you reporting an on-the-job accident, or are you trying to get worker's comp out of losing just the pad of your thumb?

davidisbeast 12

I think he deserves compensation on the grounds that his boss is an ass