By Antoine - 27/06/2019 04:30

Today, I was invited to an engagement. My crush is getting engaged next month to a man she told me she hated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 723
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

courtalex 5

I’m confused? She is getting an engaged in a month? Do you mean married? Because who plans out an engagement and plans an engagement party without being engaged yet?

Maybe the guy is the one who is planning it all, and will be proposing at the party? Idk. That’s the best I got.


welp, you've got a month to get the courage to tell her how you feel.

courtalex 5

I’m confused? She is getting an engaged in a month? Do you mean married? Because who plans out an engagement and plans an engagement party without being engaged yet?

Maybe the guy is the one who is planning it all, and will be proposing at the party? Idk. That’s the best I got.

staaacey 30

that's what I think, too. I think the guy is planning a kind of engagement where others will be there and then pop the question with friends and family around, or where they show up after she is asked, and OP was invited to that event where she will be getting proposed to in a month

The couple has gotten engaged and are throwing a party for friends and family to celebrate the happy news. Not that usual, but not hard to understand, either.

Sounds like you're in the catbird seat to become a side piece.

Mathalamus 24

Huh. well, things change. Or it's some convoluted... thing.

That’s not how getting engaged works. 🤦🏼‍♀️