All things must pass

By Female Quasimodo - 30/11/2023 00:00

Today, I realized that everytime I get close to a guy, they either straight up friendzone me, or they string me along the talking stage until they find someone else. The holidays are coming up. This will be yet another year spending it alone without that special someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First off, don't rely on having a special someone to be happy...anytime, not just the holidays. Learn to be pleased with yourself and do the things you like to do. Very likely you will find someone already doing those things. Also, don't look for the perfect ideal person. We don't exist and you will always be let down. Above all, love yourself first and then you will find the right person. Maybe even someone you also friend zoned. Best wishes.

I get that it can feel like you’re the odd man out at holiday parties or family gatherings if everyone else is part of a couple. Believe me, I know. I was widowed young and although I did try dating after my husband’s death, I never found someone else. Your happiness doesn’t depend on a romantic partner. Find joy in other things around the holidays - I like playing in the snow with my dogs, buying gifts for family and friends, and cooking traditional holiday foods. Enjoy the things that make you smile. Enjoy relationships with family members and friends. Be content with yourself. I’m not saying you won’t find love. You probably will. But you can’t force it or put it on a timeline.


First off, don't rely on having a special someone to be happy...anytime, not just the holidays. Learn to be pleased with yourself and do the things you like to do. Very likely you will find someone already doing those things. Also, don't look for the perfect ideal person. We don't exist and you will always be let down. Above all, love yourself first and then you will find the right person. Maybe even someone you also friend zoned. Best wishes.

I get that it can feel like you’re the odd man out at holiday parties or family gatherings if everyone else is part of a couple. Believe me, I know. I was widowed young and although I did try dating after my husband’s death, I never found someone else. Your happiness doesn’t depend on a romantic partner. Find joy in other things around the holidays - I like playing in the snow with my dogs, buying gifts for family and friends, and cooking traditional holiday foods. Enjoy the things that make you smile. Enjoy relationships with family members and friends. Be content with yourself. I’m not saying you won’t find love. You probably will. But you can’t force it or put it on a timeline.

VnD 12

Guys will only do that to get in your pants and once they realise you're not that easy, they move on, I've had that happen to me, I wouldn't give a single **** to anyone, just live your life and enjoy it by yourself, you don't need a man to make you happy.

Isn't this just a repeat of an FML posted 2 days ago?

It's certainly similar but I'm not sure it's the same person. I guess a lot of people are going through this sort of thing so… Yeah, I'll leave it up, unless OP tells me that I posted their story twice!

I know this may not be fun to hear but you might be going after the wrong guys. You might be going after guys that are out of your league. Also the friend zone is mostly a space where overly aggressive people get put. You might be too aggressive in your pursuit of a man.