By Frustrated - 25/05/2015 17:42 - United States

Today, I tried to work on my attitude at work. People say I'm mean, so I tried to be nice all day. Apparently I'm now condescending. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 338
You deserved it 3 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just do you. People will complain no matter what.

Just be yourself, if you truly want to change do it over time. Or else people are going to think too much in to it.


I always get in the same kind of situation, I feel your pain.

Just do you. People will complain no matter what.

What if the other employees are right and OP actually is a jerk? Should OP continue to just do him?

Damned if you do and damned if you don't. You can't please everyone.

#46 Thumbs up for the cat pic, Exaspera. You should comment more often, makes it look like the cat is talking.

Just be yourself, if you truly want to change do it over time. Or else people are going to think too much in to it.

yes, always be youself. unless you can be batman. if you can be batman, then always be batman

I'm a sarcastic person, so when I'm being sincere, people can never tell. so I somewhat feel your pain. sometimes you just can't win.

Is that sarcasm? I can't really tell...

Agreed, thanks to my constant sarcasm, my manager told me to "zip it, bitch!" When I gave him a sincere compliment on his cardigan

SystemofaBlink41 27

I have a friend who's constantly sarcastic. When I shoot back with more sarcasm, she's being serious so I feel like an ass. You really can't win.

xluciferx666 21

You don't have an attitude problem you have an idiot problem. If I had to Deal with mouth breathers all day I would have an attitude also

I understand the frustration, I work in the food industry and it's so hard to not sound patronising to confused customers. Just be yourself OP

It doesn't help that they are normally so ******* stupid

I've actually had this exact same issue. At the end of the day you learn to be yourself. someone is always going to have something to complain about. If you truly have an attitude problem work on it over time. People can tell when it's forced. hope it all works out OP

trellz17 19

I get told the same thing. **** what other people think, be yourself, no matter what.

It's a working process OP keep it up... No matter how hard you try you can't please everyone...