By Dontworryaboutit - 28/12/2009 10:16 - United States

Today, I tried to get my girlfriend of nine months to have oral sex with me. She was eating a hot dog. She then said, "If you ask me again, this is what I'll do to you." She then bit the hot dog in half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 446
You deserved it 38 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KrystleLynn 0

your girlfriend rules dude. don't **** with her.

On one hand, your life sucks because your GF doesn't. On the other hand, her reaction was absolutely hilarious...


be like if ur willing to bite it why can't u jus suck it?

matineesuxxx 1

damn 9 months and she won't have oral with you. FYL.

HanzoMain 5

for real she ain't about that life

On one hand, your life sucks because your GF doesn't. On the other hand, her reaction was absolutely hilarious...

'Eh, nine months and she won't even do oral? Something is definitely wrong with that relationship.

damn op.... be a man and deal with it... maybe shes not ready.... jackass

83, something is definitely wrong with your brain.

legendofdon 0

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spermonyourface 0

agreed fact = head is fun for us all

Maybe she doesn't like the idea of oral sex because she's simply not ready for it? I know I would think twice before putting something like that in my mouth without fully embracing the idea with enthusiam. And perhaps OP doesn't- or is unwilling- to reciprocate. You, #6, are an insensitive toerag.

Spac3Ghost 0

its really cute how girls are like, "shame, she wont eat your junk, doesnt mean you must dump her" and all the guys are like "if she wont suck, she wont ****, theres no luck, shaaaaaaame" lol =)

To be fair, I kind of understand where you're coming from. Sexual gratification is an important part of a relationship and if two people aren't on the same page and one wants something that the other's unwilling to provide then it probably won't work out.

pickles2b2 4

Not all girls want penis in their mouth, ya know.

rachiestarr 0
KrystleLynn 0

your girlfriend rules dude. don't **** with her.

YoullLoveMe 6

forget about her. ill help u out.

I love people who post things like this. I'm tired of ignorant stuck up bible-thumpers saying YDI for being a **** or some stupid shit.

O.o Well, that's just wrong. You're sick.

science_nerd 5

You do realize its a fake account, it's not really a girl whose account it is,

perdix 29

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Agreed. while her response was totally awesome; girls that don't give head aren't worth it, nevermind ones who don't swallow. As a great philosophiser once said: "Swallow b$&@%, people are starving in Africa"

KrazyKatz3 26
KRS_13 0

I've been dating my boyfriend for 10 months and I've never gave him head.