By Anonymous - 10/11/2010 17:14 - United States

Today, I tried opening a can for the first time using a manual can opener. I tried for a half hour to open a can of ravioli, mutilating the can in the process. Only after watching five Youtube videos on how to use a manual can opener did I notice the pull-tab on the top of the ravioli can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 857
You deserved it 65 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seriously it's not that hard to use a manual can opener.... tard


bamagrl410 31

... And you can dress yourself? Amazing.

Today, I read that someone can't even use a can opener. They got dumbed down by technology. Really? A can opener? FML

If you can't figure out how to use a manual can opener, you obviously have some problems. I agree with the biggest fail thing though.

dtegrl 0

Really...? Really...? Are your parents brother and sister?

finally someone stupider than me now I can proudly tell people that I'm not the dumbest person one earth

stewpididiot 11

WWDS ? What Would Darwin Say ? he'd say " HEY!!! YOU !!!! OUTA THE GENE POOL !!!! "