By sillybrohos - 15/02/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I spent 2 minutes struggling to cork a wine bottle for one of my tables only to have them eventually point out to me that the bottle was a twist-off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 312
You deserved it 33 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebraface123 6

nipples in my face gonna save the human race

msgreenneyes 0

hahahhahahah dont worry about it i work at an italian resturant and it happens to me all the time


msgreenneyes 0

hahahhahahah dont worry about it i work at an italian resturant and it happens to me all the time

zebraface123 6

nipples in my face gonna save the human race

lifegrdlover 0

lmao hahahahahhah that's hysterical if i were those people i wouldn't have told you :-P

australiaaaa 0

lmao story of my life, i always assume its cork, so i stick the corkscrew in. takes me at least a minute to realize its a twist off :X

ahahahaha! that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard XD

shiznutmuffin 0
colts609380 7

I think 13's high. I can't believe you struggled for a WHOLE 2 MINUTES before you clocked LOL :)))