By meteorbabe0101 - 14/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, I took the bus to work. A sweet old lady got on after and sat next to me. Halfway there, she fell asleep, her head on my shoulder. I gently tried to wake her up before my stop. She wasn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799 666
You deserved it 65 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(

That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.


wow that's sad and i definitely did not expect that

whoever chooses YDI must be punched. hard. well, i can't blame you for it. not your fault. you should have called the ambulance or something.

All you people who are calling BS on this: the stories posted here are unusual as a matter of course. That is what makes them entertaining. It would not be interesting to read that someone got stuck in traffic on the way to work. It would have to be stuck in traffic/late for the only time in 10 years/fired because today the corporate head showed up and thought you were a slacker. If you're here to sniff out BS, you're stupid. That's not the point of this site. AND having an unusual story happen does not make it UNTRUE! I am a prime example of a person to whom unbelievable stuff happens to all the time. If I had a blog of my life, people would call me a liar on a weekly basis; and I'm not. I just have a f-d up life and a little privilege, so the things that happen to me don't typically happen to everyone.

SarahBabyCakes05 0

omg ew ew ew ew that is sooo gross! please tell me you showered for like 5 hours! i'd be like traumatized ew ew ew.

f_mylife24 0

#40: Nice way to lighten up the situation. I laughed at your comment. =) But on a serious note, yeah **** all you people who clicked YDI. It's pretty much an awkwardly depressing situation.

dontcare804 0

What kind of bastard would say you deserve it?

Howdyplz 2

38 is win. And wow, that sucks.. I mean, I would be scarred for life if somebody DIED on me!!