**** McGee

By Anonymous - 04/02/2022 11:59

Today, thanks to autocorrect on our new company laptops, I sent an email to all staff but when I signed my name, it autocorrected my surname to Nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 858
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people come here with problems that have such simple, obvious solutions? Just smash everyone's computer before they read your email. No jury will convict you. Everyone knows that once it gets out, you'll be Mr. Nipple or Ms. Nipple forever, even if you change companies. That is so heinous that destroying dozens of computers to avoid that is justifiable.


Why do people come here with problems that have such simple, obvious solutions? Just smash everyone's computer before they read your email. No jury will convict you. Everyone knows that once it gets out, you'll be Mr. Nipple or Ms. Nipple forever, even if you change companies. That is so heinous that destroying dozens of computers to avoid that is justifiable.

Oh, shit, now he or she is going to have to smash a bunch of phones!