By thx. - 04/08/2016 20:35 - United States - Denver

Today, I told the girl working the scanner that half the documents I was indexing from her were upside down. Now ALL of them are upside down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 313
You deserved it 1 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't you instruct her on how to properly scan said documents? Nonetheless that's quite interesting that she's working the scanner but doesn't know how it works... Haha


Can't you instruct her on how to properly scan said documents? Nonetheless that's quite interesting that she's working the scanner but doesn't know how it works... Haha

I've had to flip many PDFs, and if you flip one page in a file, it flips them all (which is a pain when some of the pages the boss sends in an e-fax are upside down and some are right-side up). OP should go back and tell the scanner how to do it properly.

Hey, at least she tried to fix it. Better than some people.

Goblin182 26

100%, what more do you want?

jcash52426 5

Wait you don't want them to be upside down! I'll scan then sideways.

If you are paying to get a job done, it should be done right.

he's not paying, it's someone who works there

#9 meant in general, I believe. After all, the girl at the scanner does, presumably, get paid, and thus should do her job properly.

catanita 18

Maybe you said that ONLY half of them are upside down.

That was what OP said at first, then after that comment all of the scanned documents were upside down....sarcastic comment or not, I'm answering lol

!: ctrl+a all images 2: right click Microsoft office picture manager, grid view 3: edit picture, rotate 4: ???? 5: Profit.

You can use a tool like imagemagick to rotate a lot of images very quickly. This is easy when they are consistent -- you just run `mkdir -p rotated; for a in *.png; do convert -rotate 180 $a rotated/$a; end` and Bob's your uncle. (Modifying this for Windows is left as an exercise for the reader.) But when they're inconsistent, you have to go through and identify each item to be flipped. That's strictly worse.

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