By LP - 16/02/2015 03:25 - United States - Madison

Today, I was at work copying some papers. The copier is below a shelf with lots of paper and signage, which suddenly flew off the hinge and hit me in the head as well as the copier. My boss ran in, asking, "Is the copier okay?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 621
You deserved it 2 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

This is why office room copiers would make great shooting targets.

Your boss knows his priorities. Don't count on him too much.


Dreamsorrow93 24

This is why office room copiers would make great shooting targets.

It's funny that in this day and age, printers and copiers still break on a daily basis. Don't we have the technology to make better copies and printers?

Reminds me of the scene in "office space" when they steal the printer, take it to a field, and beat the shit of it with a bat.

K40RU 11

Your boss knows his priorities. Don't count on him too much.

Well, is it?! Copiers are expensive these days!

and so would compensation if OP got seriously hurt

erizonkim 17

#7 I don't think you get that it's a joke...

I'm sorry he doesn't care more about you I really hope your okay and not hurt op

"Yes boss. Fortunately all this blood comes from my head. We have been lucky!"

It's official, you are more easily replaced than the copier.

God dammit, your boss took the fun out of commenting!