By Crushgonewrong - 22/06/2016 21:42 - United States - Compton

Today, I told the cute girl in my office that she looked like she listened to country music, as an icebreaker. She blankly stared at me for what felt like forever, and responded with, "That's the worst thing you could say to a person," and walked away. She hasn't talked to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 462
You deserved it 12 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I kind of agree. Telling someone they "look like the kind of person who..." could easily be taken offensively.


this seems like something Andy would say to Erin on The Office

Write a FML country song for her and you could become a Urban legend! Hint- It helps if your name is James, and you own a cat who's fine. Just really fat.

She's led a sheltered life if she thinks that's the worst thing you could say to someone.

I'm curious: How does someone, who'd like county music, look? I bet i know a few that wouldn't fit your rule.

"You look like a husky farm girl..."....

okamiyazaki 8

That was a pretty terrible opening line, but I think it's a bit harsh for her to stop talking to you just because of that one awkward comment. She must not be very interested in you to begin with.

Well, it's not like they'd really started talking, except for OP's awkward and obviously unwelcome attempt at making conversation. Seems a bit unfair to say she's "stopped talking" to OP, she just continued not speaking with him, like they'd been doing all along.

hoosiergirl94 31

That was rude of her. You were just trying to start a conversation. Maybe what you said was rude in a way to her, but it was completely unintentional

This is a double YDI. Not only for what you said, but for trying to pick up people at your place of employment.

You hit the nail on the head there.

FYI, you can't assume something about people just by the way they look. Voicing that you are trying to steriotype somebody is instantly insulting.

I live in the same state as the OP. I cringed pretty hard reading this. Here, telling someone "you look like the kind of person who listens to country" is basically calling someone uneducated trailer-trash. Especially if they are white. (I know that's just a stereotype, no offense to country fans). So OP may has well have walked up to a black girl in the office and said, "you look like the kind of person who listens to rap". Sorry dude, YDI.