By TeaSea - 11/02/2018 01:30

Today, I told my class I was giving them 60 seconds to do a problem. A girl replied furiously "At least give us one minute!!" I teach a high school honors math class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 369
You deserved it 473

Same thing different taste

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I feel your pain, OP. Someone in my high school honors English class asked the difference between fiction and nonfiction. They were serious.

Tell her she has 60 Silver medals to do the problem and her chances of getting it right are minute.


I feel your pain, OP. Someone in my high school honors English class asked the difference between fiction and nonfiction. They were serious.

Tell her she has 60 Silver medals to do the problem and her chances of getting it right are minute.

...Mr. Chang? Is that you? Lol one my honors math class teachers said that a female student asked him the same question, in eerily the same way and scenario.

I guess understanding the measurements of time isn't a major focus of the standardized tests they make students focus on nowadays. Did you explain to the student that they should go find out what a minute was? I mean - before it's time to be a grownup? I just. I mean. Isn't this the sort of thing you're taught by the time you're maybe six or seven? Isn't the number of seconds in a minute something a person ought to absorb just because they've been alive and around other people, and had to know what time it was? Digital clocks are the norm nowadays, and they make it extremely obvious, don't they? Has your student never used a clock?

I calculate that she is going to fail the class. Ladies and gentlemen, our future.

Some people just don't pay attention on school, eh?

Lobby_Bee 17

Is she a blonde? She sounds like a blonde. lol

She was obviously asking for a Brazilian minute, which as everyone knows is 380 seconds long.