By kiddo - 28/01/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, on my 18th birthday, my mom told me the man I thought was my father for 18 years was actually not my father, and my real father was in prison for murder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 104
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

camperben 0

That guy in prison was the sperm donor. The guy who changed your diapers and lived with you for 18 years is your Father.


camperben 0

That guy in prison was the sperm donor. The guy who changed your diapers and lived with you for 18 years is your Father.

I completely agree, but the point is that OP's mom lied to him about who his father was, and his biological father's whereabouts. Parents seem to think hiding stuff from their kids will protect them (mine do that all the time) but really, it just makes a bad situation worse, because now OP won't ever trust his mom again.

That's the best comment I've ever read on this website.

Pop_and_Pixels 0

I completely agree with #5, #14, #16, and #17.

happy birthday ! i'd pray everynight for him to drop the soap :)

Samantha0001 0
dcd237 0

people chill out i would be mad if i have to wait 18 years to find out my father acually killed someone id be happy that the other guy was a great father to me its still kind of alot to take in when all you wanted to do was celebrate the fact you just turned 18. -_-

Cantexplain1234 0

Thanks mom f*ck your life you had a baby of a killer in your womb for nine months.

It's not like it was the moms fault he was a murderer...

lola_noone 0

i feel for u my dads been in an out of jail my entire life i wish i had another guy i could call a father even if he wasnt biologically mine just keep in mind that u have sumone there for u

my dads a dick and hasent been around for my entire life and I don't have a step father. you are very lucky op

xsydbabyx 0

Oh snap! Sux4u. There's a difference between a biological father and a father though. The father that took care of you for 18 years is your father. The dude in prison just helped make you. No big deal. - S.

mustache321 0

kick his ass next time u pay him a visit lol jk u might get in trouble rofl