By anonymous - 21/04/2009 05:42 - United States

Today, I told my morbidly obese teacher that he had mustard on his chin. He tried to wipe it off and I said without thinking "No, your other chin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 351
You deserved it 101 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

I've had teachers that would have found that hilarious and I've had teachers that would have had you suspended asap... For your sake, I hope this guy had a sense of humor.

The ironic thing is that you're not that slim either, as evident from your picture.


Not an FML if you don't tell us what happened afterward.

That sucks, i would get sick being taught by someone who obviously failed at life.

The ironic thing is that you're not that slim either, as evident from your picture.

briannabrocious 2

I have little to no sympathy for the obese.

Yeah look in a mirror before you post that crap. A lot of overweight people get overweight because of depression anxiety or many other problems in their life. Some depressed people eat to console themselves and they're sad because they eat. It's a viscous cycle that can be hard to break

Alright #204.. Obviously you don't know that people have diseases that make them like that... And by the way, nobody has any sympathy for you either so...

@2 They didn't fail at life just because they are overweight... It could be a disease too.. And maybe you should consider looking in the mirror before you post things like that..

arich6210 22

Your profile says your 18.. Just wait until your body stops working the way it does now and you will realize that things can get in the way of having a "healthy" body

I know this post was years ago but just wanna say there's no disease that directly makes you obese. Although there may be some that impact your lifestyle which can tip the odds against you

#204 - And no body has sympathy for stuck up bitches like you either so.

TheBlakester419 0

what did he do to you? suspend you

Stina9162 0
poolshark 0

I've had teachers that would have found that hilarious and I've had teachers that would have had you suspended asap... For your sake, I hope this guy had a sense of humor.

Perhaps it's my bitter demeanor, but I would have done the same, but intentionally. I'm sure your classmates got a good laugh at least.

#6 nobody uses demenor anymore... LOL THAT IS A HILARIOUS FML!!!

tannarox 0

No one? Don't some people have a vocabulary greater than 5 words? Wait, you're right. No one does.

adelaide_evening 0

Haha, I hope that wasn't in front of the entire class. I sense an F in your near future...

unless he sat on you afterwards this isnt a fml

Shesonfire94 2

Iit may not be a fml for the op but it sure would be for the teacher. haha and it is hilarious!

haha my friend did that to one of our old teachers and she got suspended. I hope your teacher has a sense of humour.