By My_Cow_kiM - 28/04/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I told my mom I'm severely allergic to my cat and that the doctor told me it would be best to get rid of the cat. Somewhat jokingly, I told her it was either me or the cat. She chose the cat. She was serious too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 450
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.


fmlfmlfml15 0

if you're over 18 i'd choose the cat if you're a minor that that really is sad #7 Some people MAY just choose an animal over a human being, but it shouldnt be the parent (if the child is under 18) #8 I hope you dont own any pets when you decide to have kids. I'd hate to see your kids out on the street.

yeah #5's right on this one but if your a minor then fyl

imbtrtenu 8

So get a dog... not that hard of a decision...

So i didnt know either to click You deserved that one! or I agree your life is F***ed because the doctor clearly meant to choose the cat to GET RID OF, not to keep. So...your life is f'ed cuz you couldn't understand the doctor's response, or you deserve it because you threw the joke out there yourself. I agree with 64. get a dog

_shit_happens_ 0

why even give her the ultimatum?

it depends... are you like 30 years old?

Huh. So THAT'S why you don't give ultimatums.

rakhil11 7

if ur a minor...i am scared and unsure of how ur still with ur parents if not...i think that was a hint 4 u 2 get out....