By stoopidpoop - 05/02/2010 00:29 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend's father that I wanted to talk about his daughter. I then went on to tell him I was thinking about 'popping the cherry', instead of 'popping the question'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 040
You deserved it 13 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopefully her dad doesn't have a big gun collection

ambrz 0

ehh doesn't have to be that big of a deal I'm sure you'll laugh about it when your married years later remenising... :)


tabershawn 0

did he get pissed off and popped ur cherry

haydenshaw 0
UziTopete 0

I'm sure she been through that long before you my friend lol

that is why you concentrate on what you are raping I mean saying

nice, dumb*$$. those words are nothing alike. it's pretty much impossible to mix them up. I bet her dad wants to kick your *$$ now.

icy716 0

just hope her name isnt cherry!

jakquezz 0

complete fail number 2........

hilobude 0

You obviously dont know what that means, fail.

hahaha I bet he is like only ten so give him a break!;) but yeah you should google that 2!

TheCurlyTheory 0

hey! I also play for aresanal.(:

jinxthejinx 0
ambrz 0

ehh doesn't have to be that big of a deal I'm sure you'll laugh about it when your married years later remenising... :)

hopefully her dad doesn't have a big gun collection

fylseriously 0

I don't believe this one. how can u say cherry but mean question?

A slip of the tongue. People do make mistakes.

he was thinking about her cherry......common mistake

It's a Freudian Slip. It has a name for a reason.

rofl!!!! oh such bad time to make that slip. just tell him what you were really thinking.

Jrook 0

what do you mean ""it has a name for a reason" you tool

meaning it was named because its so common. tool

LeStab 4

Because Freud came up with it. He said when you make a slip it's what you are thinking in the back of your mind. So when he said "popping the cherry" he was most likely wanting to have sex with her. Oh and don't say tool, it makes you sound like a giant douche.

@#6. You've never accidentally said one word when you meant to say another?

So true. I understand that it is most likely a Freudian slip, but how does 'cherry' sound like 'question'?

Darrus 0

He wanted to pop her cherry, means he wanted to **** her...and that's what he told her dad. Please don't tell me you still don't get this^^

Crush89 0

twisted tongues have a way of doing the worst at the worst time

AxCxDxDx 0

or just do both, if you havnt yet