By bigdawg702 - 26/09/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend of 9 months that I was ready for marriage and start having kids. She hasn't called or texted me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 315
You deserved it 69 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On your first date, did you rub her belly and say, "Soon, this will be plump with my seed"?

After 9 months, starting to have kids ? ... Not all girls are looking forward to that you know


bet she was just an internet girlfriend if she hasnt called or texted you.. next time make sure it's someone you see in person.. often.

fuktrolls 0

how long has it been? 3 seconds? its a big desicion give her some time....

9 months...? wtf? That's early. I'd get a little skittish if my boyfriend asked me that early, even though I have started thinking about the possibility of being together for the long haul. You should have TALKED TO HER, asked her what she thought about your relationship, what she wants for the future, etc... and told her something more subtle, like that you feel like you're ready to start getting more serious, or that you've started thinking about how you'd like to make it last, and stay together.

It really does depend on how old you are and how you told her. If you are close to mid-twenties or older and you just said you would be ready to get married and start having kids, and you told her in person, then she is weird for not replying.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

9 months?! what the ****? you should be together a LEAST a couple of YEARS before you talk about marriage and kids.

Dude nine months? Not all girls want a fairytale ending you know. I had a friend who did the same thing to me (he lived in England!) He kept saying he wanted us to get married and to have babies. I was like, "Omg, piss off, if you want babies so bad why don't YOU have them?" Same with my first boyfriend. (thinks to self: Why aren't these guys with girls that actually WANT that life?)

It sounds like he was trying to find out if she wanted that life... he found out in a humiliating way that will cause him pain for the rest of his life. The concept of commitment, enduring relationships and children is constantly drilled into men. Some guys are nice and actually want it too. We're also constantly berated for wanting one night stands, short relationships and no commitments. This gives the impression that women simply want whatever you aren't. Say what you will about the simplicity of male thinking, but we don't care about any of that crap, we just adore you. Hey, even if the guy is shallow and goes for big boobs or pretty faces, at least they're attached to women. They're not interested in the car you drive, your job or how much money you have in the bank.

I recognize this may come as a shock to some, but there are people out there who don't date just to ****. For some crazies, dating is actually a precursor to marriage! Everyone is "ready" or thinks they are at different times. I proposed after a year of dating and am currently enjoying the nine-month engagement. Maybe this was a case of one person having a different idea of dating or maybe that WAS their discussion of the subject. It's very silly - no, stupid - to state that nobody can know until they've dated for X years. When you know, you know.

Agreed. My husband and I moved in together after 3 months, he proposed after 6 months and 1.5 years later we got married...that was almost 2 years ago. We also know that we want kids eventually but I'm still in college for at least 2 more years to get my M.A. so that'll have to wait. But it didn't freak me out at all when he proposed because I was absolutely sure he was the one. I would however have freaked a little if he had told me he'd wanted to start having kids right then and there...I'd only been 19 and had just started college...but it's nothing you can't talk about. She could have just told him that she's not even close to ready and he can either accept that or dump her and find someone who's ready.

Well you're still really early in the relationship, you can't say much IMO. Come back after you've been married for 5 years and then maybe I'll believe that getting married after 6 months works :P They say it takes 3 years to fully KNOW someone, and 6 months to get over the 'they're perfect' stage. Deciding that you want to stay together forever after 9 months seems a bit unrealistic to me.

Ha! "They say," very reliable. How about taking it upon yourself to get to know someone? Ask difficult questions, test out your recreation time, etc. That's all on you. My theory is that people who say things like, "It takes three years to really know someone" are taking a passive approach. It was said elsewhere, but if you've been seriously dating someone for an entire year and you're still "not sure," then you haven't been actively trying to find out.

Drewsius 0

#78, Willendrof, my parents knew each other for 6 months, were told by a band of wandering Gypsies to get married, so they eloped on his birthday, which he didn't have to work on. This November they'll be celebrating their 31st anniversary.

boatkicker 4

willendorf, just because they hadn't been dating long doesn't mean they hadn't known eachother for a long time before that anyways. I've only been with my fiance for 15 months, but I've been good friends with him for about 6 or 7 years. Also, my personal opinion is that its closer to one year, than 3.

Aww that's sweet Drewsius ^-^ I wish I could meet a Gypsy to tell me who I'm going to marry....=P

after 9 months? and it makes it sound like you texted her this. wow, i dont blame her.

joobledotz 0

Maybe she isn't ready for this strong of a commitment, but I do think she could at least be mature enough to tell you instead of playing the silent treatment.