By bigdawg702 - 26/09/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend of 9 months that I was ready for marriage and start having kids. She hasn't called or texted me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 315
You deserved it 69 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On your first date, did you rub her belly and say, "Soon, this will be plump with my seed"?

After 9 months, starting to have kids ? ... Not all girls are looking forward to that you know


Nine months lad? You're a bit too serious about this. That's the kind of commitment people aren't too willing to make that early in a relationship.

to tell you the truth that would creep me out and i would think youre creepy forever and ignore you.

So thats how you "proposed" to her ? Through a text message ? You deserve it

I don't suppose you told your father she was the one, only to later have her tell him that you're just friends? Read: 9 months is *generally* not long enough. I believe most women would say that around 2 to 4 years is the 'dating' time-frame they're looking for.

Yeah, #31 was right - you don't say "I'm ready," you first say "Will you marry me?" "I'm ready to have your kids" isn't even half as romantic as saying "I love you", and it seems it's not really working.

If only you knocked her up the day you started dating. Then you'd have the baby and she'd feel obliged to marry you. Win

There's plenty of desperate women out there. You can probably find one who's already started having kids.

gee i wonder why. nine months? you freaked the shit out of her. people can date for years before getting married. dont expect her to come back anytime soon, sorry.

If you'd used such bad grammar with me I'd have rejected you as well.

krosee 0

Just throwing this out there. My patents where dating for 9 months when they got engaged. A further 9 months when they married. There now going on there 26th aniversary. In some cases, it can work. :)

Times have changed. References to the previous generation are invalid.

My fiance proposed after a year...I think if you don't know by then you're wasting your time.

Nahh, my mum and my stepdad were together 3 months before they got engaged!And they've been married since '07 and everything's going fine!

boatkicker 4

#45, in that case, what is relevant? Because you can't make reference to the current generation either because there are no significant numbers to it yet. References to the recent past (within 20 years, approximately) are perfectly acceptable. Times haven't changed THAT much. People are still pretty much the same. Society in the US has become very technologically/electronically based but overall people's interests haven't changed a lot, and social norms have not become significant different. And for those reasons I've got to say there's nothing wrong with it. On the other hand, examples from the no-so-recent past (over 20 years or so) are not relevant because times have changed considerably. That's my opinion anyways. It is, of course, just an opinion and has no real fact so feel free to disagree. I don't feel like debating with anyone at the moment.

Considering that his parents have been married for 26 years, even by your standards they aren't relevant.

boatkicker 4

I am aware of that. My comment was very specifically directed at what jjjeah said. The context of the statement meant about nothing to me.