Call the fuzz

By Anonymous - 14/04/2022 17:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was playing Pokémon Go and I was trying to take a picture of my Pokémon when a woman said, "Are you filming me?" really angrily at me. "No, I'm playing Pokémon go," I said, then tried to show her my Pokémon but it disappeared from the screen, and she said, "You ARE filming me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 015
You deserved it 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

I wanted to play pokemon go when it came out, but every time I saw a pokemon on the train, someone would be there too and my anxiety of having people think I was recording or taking a picture made me not wanna play. I used to walk to random places to catch a pokemon... Yeah, it got old fast for me because strange men were always nearby or trying to get my number and I didn't wanna get attacked or robbed. Plus it was a battery killer.

Maybe get a phone case that says, “I’m just playing Pokémon Go; cool your jets” and people will understand.


rotflqtms_ 21

I wanted to play pokemon go when it came out, but every time I saw a pokemon on the train, someone would be there too and my anxiety of having people think I was recording or taking a picture made me not wanna play. I used to walk to random places to catch a pokemon... Yeah, it got old fast for me because strange men were always nearby or trying to get my number and I didn't wanna get attacked or robbed. Plus it was a battery killer.

Maybe get a phone case that says, “I’m just playing Pokémon Go; cool your jets” and people will understand.

The oldest trick in the book -- using a fake subject to establish plausible deniability that you were taking sneaky pics of a hot woman. In the past, kids or dogs were the nominal subject, this is just the VR twist.

Neech 3

Maybe turn the AR setting off and you won’t have that issue.

Neech 3

Maybe turn setting off and you won’t have that issue

Neech 3

Maybe turn the AR setting off and you won’t have that issue.

diraven 15

Were you trying to get a pic of the Pokemon standing on her head? I do that too, it's hilarious

Better that than trying to get Pokémon go head!

Stop calling people your Pokemon. That's just weird!