By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend I needed someone to talk to because I just found out my aunt has cancer. She told me to talk to her in an hour, Spongebob was on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 121
You deserved it 5 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

briedis 0

I love Spongebob :D But yeah, pretty insesitive girlfriend...

Spongebob is an hour long? Some girlfriend..


Spongebob is an hour long? Some girlfriend..

inevitable408 0

How old is she? 8? hmmm... How old are you? sir...

now wait a minute, did you explain the subject matter to her, or did you only tell her you marly wanted to talk to her?

AntiChrist7 0

own fault you choose an idiot as girlfriend

briedis 0

I love Spongebob :D But yeah, pretty insesitive girlfriend...

I'm 19 and I love Spongebob, but I'm not so insensitive to ignore my husband (in her case, boyfriend) if he says he needs to talk. God, what a bitch. Dump her ass.

Ur only 19 and already have a husband??

how old is she? five? and i'm not talking about her love of spongebob. i'm talking about her obvious lack of maturity here, lord.