Great family you've got there

By Anonymous - 31/01/2021 14:01

Today, my wife, who recently had cancer, made an offhand comment that my 30-year-old sister took offense to. Instead of saying something, she went and called our parents. My dad then called and yelled at me for 5 minutes about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 828
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Yeah I really can't make a call on this one without actually knowing what she said. Like I feel like you're intentionally providing meaningless details, such as your sisters age and your wifes cancer, and leaving out the one important one - what was said.

Just what I thought - if the wife had been a jerk in her comment, no wonder the sister took offense, and recovering from cancer is no one's free pass at being a jerk to others. Although, calling the parents is a bit childish...


tounces7 27

Yeah I really can't make a call on this one without actually knowing what she said. Like I feel like you're intentionally providing meaningless details, such as your sisters age and your wifes cancer, and leaving out the one important one - what was said.

Just what I thought - if the wife had been a jerk in her comment, no wonder the sister took offense, and recovering from cancer is no one's free pass at being a jerk to others. Although, calling the parents is a bit childish...

to be fair people say things when in situations if extreme stress, like having cancer for example