By fml - 22/06/2009 09:03 - United States

Today, I told my dad I was going to Walgreens and asked if he needed anything. He needed condoms, and that I should call him when I get there so he can explain the kind he likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 437
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jakil_Spectre 0

Ewwww, that had to be awkward. Im glad my parents aren't that open. FYL

ThinkingPunkLove 0

That's disgusting and he can get his own ass up for that, I mean really i think he can buy his own damn condoms...


Jakil_Spectre 0

Ewwww, that had to be awkward. Im glad my parents aren't that open. FYL

mojomojo_fml 5

This has nothing on mine. My dad went WITH me. And got Magnums. I'm a guy and the cashier was a really cute chick. I'm guessing she didn't know we're related. FML

platypuscatrat 0

YDI for having a dad with a penis.

@6: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's funny. You could have gotten lucky- she may have wanted to try to turn a gay man straight.

beepmeep 0

uh@"YDI for having a dad with a penis"

it would be slightly less akward if you were his son instead of his daughter.

Your dad RULES! talk of Players @ 40 something.... xD

FBIWarning 0

lol you walked into that :P

well now you know what's happening tonight!

Now u know wat type of condoms he uses

arienh4 0

Which is really, really useful. /sarcasm

at least you know he's beig safe lol

ThinkingPunkLove 0

That's disgusting and he can get his own ass up for that, I mean really i think he can buy his own damn condoms...

He's just trying to save gas. And he's helping control the population by using birth control. He sounds like a pretty environmentally aware dude.

ughh.. that's so disturbing :P! Did you get them for him :O!