By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 01:03 - France

Today, I teach English in Taiwan. I got two new students, brothers named Harry and Potter. People, they're children, not pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 689
You deserved it 5 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

f their lives ;) I went to school with a Harriet potter and that was kinda bad


yes, I have no idea what that means either. /:

britneyrox116 0

Whether or not that is true, that is pretty funny. I don't see how it is a FML though. I think that's fantastic.

AxelVIIIGotItMem 0

Or Hugo Weasley. xD I think J.K. was running out of names at the very end there.

Mewzakuro240 0

Did you know that the "Hugo" award was a writing award she won? On I believe the seventh book. I believe that is probably where her name choice came from.

Mewzakuro240 0

This belongs on Twitter or Facebook, not FML

McBurgar 0

it's another way of saying ******. There is this Chinese boy named Tian in my PE at school and his full name is Tian Pun Tang XD

duckie227 22

ok people... how old were the kids? were they born before the first book was even published? if so then I highly doubt that they were named after the series.