By lumacsp - 08/10/2009 12:22 - United States

Today, I stopped at the light when someone crashed on to my motorcycle making me fall. The guy claimed it was my fault because I stopped too fast. I got really mad, so I attempted to spit on his face and was ready to start a fight when I noticed that I forgot to lift the helmet shield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 283
You deserved it 52 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That'll show him to never mess with you again

Despite your absentmindedness, OP, the guy's an embecile for saying it was your fault. I'm pretty sure rear-ending someone is illegal in every state.


Not saying this is fake but I know that this or somthing damn close has been posted here before.

Ducki3 0

not JUST a fail... an EPIC FAILURE

I'm not saying the accident was your fault, it probably wasn't, but spitting in his face and preparing for a fight is the stupidest way to go about dealing with it.

you deserve to get the crap kicked out of you for trying to spit in someone's face

cheapsheep_fml 0

LMAOOOO. okay, laughter has died down now. I can't imagine what went through that guys minds. "look at that fool. i pitty the fool" lmao.

So... were you mad because he was right, or because you're just too aggressive?

It's always the person behind's fault for not allowing enough stopping space... did you feel you had to somehow prove yourself? If you'd actually started a fight you would have gotten in trouble with the cops too... as it is, you could have just left it and he'd be the only one in trouble. (Incidentally, when I was about 18 and my bro 13 we were riding our bikes and I suddenly realised I had not done up my helmet. I stopped suddenly and he rammed into me from behind. He started ripping into me about stopping suddenly when Dad shut him up quick smart with "it is always the person behind's fault, you need to make sure you leave enough space", giving him an impromptu traffic lesson :P).