Coffeehouse Blues

By Bill - 29/12/2023 16:00 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I bought myself my first gaming PC for Christmas. After two hours of setting it up, I proceeded to spill a full cup of coffee in to it and slowly watched it die. I'm an electronic technician so I knew better then to have my coffee anywhere near it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204
You deserved it 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pink_Turnips 14

at least you're aware that you deserved it.

boilerdude 4

honestly you may not have fried everything. take the whole thing apart and clean it with isopropyl. look for anything shorted or noticeable dark spots. you may just need a new mobo


Pink_Turnips 14

at least you're aware that you deserved it.

boilerdude 4

honestly you may not have fried everything. take the whole thing apart and clean it with isopropyl. look for anything shorted or noticeable dark spots. you may just need a new mobo