By lumacsp - 08/10/2009 12:22 - United States

Today, I stopped at the light when someone crashed on to my motorcycle making me fall. The guy claimed it was my fault because I stopped too fast. I got really mad, so I attempted to spit on his face and was ready to start a fight when I noticed that I forgot to lift the helmet shield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 283
You deserved it 52 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That'll show him to never mess with you again

Despite your absentmindedness, OP, the guy's an embecile for saying it was your fault. I'm pretty sure rear-ending someone is illegal in every state.


13929jje 0

Spitting is disgusting..what were you hoping to achieve fighting like that? What were you hoping to achieve from starting a fight anyway? Grow up, be an adult, and talk things through. Accidents like this are a pain in the arse but shit happens in the big scary world of gotta learn how to handle it without violence or you're going to find yourself in prison or having someone beat the living shit out of you; not everyone you start a fight with is going to back down.

teethsoup 0

yeah once i got in a fight and i didnt throw a punch but once the kid spit on me i pounced on him quicker then a tiger cause spitting is disgusting the fight didnt go far it got broken up before i punched

What are you Pumpkin? Lol. Spitting in peoples faces can be illegal! It's just plain dirty!

I agree with #28. You spit on someone in Texas and that would be the last thing you do. That is the ultimate insult.

Julsa 0

Ha. Why would you spit on him first? That's giving him a chance to get the first hit..just go straight for the face with your fist! Silly

AntiChrist7 0

fake: "The reason why crash helmets are small is because people who wear them haven't got a brain. Otherwise they'd have a car."

Is your life so pathetic that you have nothing better to do than browsing through old fmls just to find one that sounds vaguely similar so you can cry "fake" and have some "evidence" ?!

AntiChrist7 0

It's because the one I mentioned is one of my favourite FML, that's why I know. look at my favourites. Your life on the other hand is so pathetic that you comment on pathetic lives. How pathetic is that?

havetoadjust 0

spit in his face? that's just gross and trashy

Its really annoying how theres comments on ever FML saying its fake,, I mean c'mon whats the point in coming on this website if you don't believe any of it?

Exactly! It's one thing if there is a FML that is obviously fake, but it's another to come on here crying fake about every single one.


YDI for essentially spitting in your own face. Spitting is disgusting. It's assault and if you were going to assault him anyway, you should have just punched him. At least a fat lip/black eye will remind him to watch what he's doing. FYL for the these effing FL drivers who think that they are never at fault for an accident. Yes, YOU'RE (meaning the OP) the one to blame for being stopped at a red light while the dumbass behind you was probably picking his nose, talking/texting on the phone, or reading the paper and not paying attention to his driving. Idiots.