By wtf - 16/05/2014 22:25 - Australia - Narangba

Today, I started watching porn in my room with the volume muted. A minute later, my dad knocked on the door, so I closed everything and called him in. He just said, "Son, you disgust me." and walked out. Now I'm too paranoid to use my own computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 600
You deserved it 14 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SDee1234 11

Thats almost scary lol. He's spying on you:-P

Maybe he noticed that everything was closed, so he assumed you were doing the nasty.


Now you need to sit him down and have a talk about how it's healthy for a growing boy and can do it op I have faith!

Format harddisk. Install Linux or Ubuntu on fully encrypted drive. Set a great login password.

Epikouros 31

He's a horny teenager, not necessarily a masochist. Anyway, Linux won't stop Dad from monitoring the wifi traffic.

He could try remote desktoping. If his father is monitoring the connections, he will see the connection the remote desktop is on, but probably not what it is being used for.

wow, whoever thumbed down my comment there clearly knows nothing about how computers work O_o...

Maybe he just guessed by the guilty look on your face?

And why be paranoid unless they are super religulous. Everyone watches ****.

Everyone masturbates too. If they say they don't,they're lying.

I doubt he's hacked your computer, op. Maybe there's a camera hidden? I'd be scared to go in my room ... Not just scared to use my computer.

He has mal ware on your computer to see what you are on