By Crying - 29/02/2012 20:21 - United States

Today, I started crying in class because of a sad part in the book I was reading. I got pulled out into the hallway and my male teacher asked, "Is it your special time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 981
You deserved it 8 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hate it when guys just assume that just because we're upset that it's "special time" lol.

The teacher was only giving her credit. Publicly crying over a book is no way for an adult to behave. The assumption is - and should be - that there better be a reason.

You reading the Hunger Games?? Its okay.. I cried too.

What's with guys always asking that?!?

My mum refused to read Lord of the Flies when she was at school because she couldn't stand it...

Wow. Someone jumped to the wrong conclusion...

littlelotte98 3

that will teach you to read sad books ever again :)

put some estrogen in his morning coffee for payback ;-)

soccersexy_23 0

That's the moment when you say yes, yes i am. Want me to prove it!?