By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 09:01 - Mongolia

Today, I spoke to my dad for the first time in over a year. I've been volunteering in Mongolia, I have no running water, freeze my ass off everyday and communication with anyone who speaks English is scarce. One of the first things my father said to me was, "out of sight, out of mind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 527
You deserved it 3 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lolersauczors 0

She could have visited her dad or went to a different area in Mongolia. Besides, while volenteering you don't get any thing better than the people your helping. So of course she went somewhere else. God, people use logic and think.

JessicaAnnnn 0

omg you guys are dumb. when you volunteer, you are obviously helping a less fortunate part of the country. so no there isnt running water, and it probably is cold, and THERES NO INTERNET! sheesh...the people that go on these trips dont stay there the whole time, they get breaks to go back to civilization for a little bit where there is internet.... if some of you took the time to research anything you might understand.


No running water or heat, and yet you have the internet. At least we know those Mongolians have their priorities straight.

Oh that sucks. I'm sorry. But maybe if he acts like that you don't want him in your life. Just sayin. I wouldn't

You forgot the whole pregnancy?!?! I'm all too familiar with women forgetting my repeated attempts at conception, but certainly morning sickness is a bit more intense and memorable, no?

I figure she has internet because she's in a large city at the moment, probably the same reason she was able to call him, and might be on a borrowed computer or in a cafe. What amazes me is that she knew/remembered about fmylife! :D If this is real, then you are awesome for doing PC. Thank you for making the world a little better. :)

Whoa, shit, I was gone too. I made a sammich and some coffee. Ok, Mercy, feel free to rebel. I'll just turn into the slutty, doesn't know what age she is mom. We can get twin piercings! :) KILL OBAMA KILL OBAMA! *Gets tackled by FBI* Kay, she's doing MY bidding! >:[ plexico, just watch "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" on TLC. I remember the conception, just not the labor and delivery. Jeez, I WISH the world worked that way... On a side note: I have a strange guilty pleasure now. Degrassi. What an awful show, but I can't quit watching it. Who would like to brainwash me?

captainmaharet 1

But you have the internet? fake.

What the hell were you expecting? The Ritz? Grow a pair and stop whining.

Why are you bitching? You got yourself into it so don't complain about it.

Well, you can share her. You don't want me to have a dirty mind, do you? Ok then, it needs washing.

Wankster 0