By shredded - 12/02/2011 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent three and a half hours creating a Wikipedia page for myself. Three minutes after publishing, it was deleted due to me being a "Non-notable person nobody's ever heard of." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 324
You deserved it 56 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted107 4

that's probably why it got deleted

you think that highly of yourself? aww, did your poor ego get a boo-boo?


Do something with your life like me, I did and I have one being a film director.

Nobody wants to read about you on Wikipedia. Don't flatter yourself and get a life

YDI and it was probably good for you. Time to pop the ego bubble.

You expected otherwise? Have you done anything worthy of making you "notable"? If not, you're just an idiot who got bored and YDI.

You can't just create random pages about shit no one's ever heard of, OP. There are notability guidelines, and the other editor would have been remiss if s/he *didn't* delete it. Next time, pay attention to the policies of the wiki you're editing, or make. your own damn blog/wiki.

I suppose the OP's never heard of websites. "Normal" people don't create Wikipedia entries of themselves, they create websites of themselves.

Don't fill wikipedia up with crap you filth!