By shredded - 12/02/2011 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent three and a half hours creating a Wikipedia page for myself. Three minutes after publishing, it was deleted due to me being a "Non-notable person nobody's ever heard of." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 324
You deserved it 56 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted107 4

that's probably why it got deleted

you think that highly of yourself? aww, did your poor ego get a boo-boo?


pensfancaitlin87 0

who sits and makes a wikipedia page about themselves. Don't you have anything better to do? Loser

meeba 2

If you're not a famous person, or you have actually done something notable, then trying to make a page for yourself is pointless. YDI, you self centered retard

Even if you were actually someone who mattered, it's considered poor form on wikipedia to edit your own page at all. If you believe your page needs corrections you are supposed to suggest them on the talk page and other users can verify and edit them.

sematariux 7

if it makes you feel any better that happens to all of us non notable people you self centered jerk haha

why the hell would u do that in the first place. who the hell cares?

moismoje 1

It is also right in the rules that you can't create of edit a wikipedia page about yourself.

No shit sherlock... Ydi for spending so long on something without putting any actual thought into it.. A quick look at the guidelines for creating a page (and I can't check now but I believe it says it at the top of the editing page) would reveal that they want pages about figures that people would actually care to read about...